Tuesday, November 27, 2007


This past weekend my wife and I ran into some friends at the mall who have been friends of ours for over 18 years. They have all moved away and we were shocked to run into them. They were in town for the Thanksgiving holidays to spend time with family. We were so thrilled to see them and their children and to see how they had grown. We reminisced about old times and talked about the latest news in all of our lives. It was such a wonderful time. I told my wife when we left how much I missed them after just spending a little bit of time there in the store with them.

That night I began to think about the friendships in my life and felt compelled to write the following about friendships from my prospective.

There are two types of friendships

Friendships for life

This is a friend that you will be connected to in some way all of your life. You may only see them or talk to them occasionally or everyday. They can be family members, a co-worker, a church friend, a high school friend or etc.

These types of friendships play an important role. They will always have some influence in our lives. When we see them it will be just as I described about seeing our friends over the weekend.

Friendships for a season

These are friends who been in your life at one time or another. It could have been a teacher, a coach, a peer, a person in a town you lived in and has since moved away.

Although you will probably never talk to them again or see them they played a valuable role as a friend at a certain time of your life. Their friendship meant a lot and when you think about not seeing them it makes you feel sad.

Both of these types of friendships have a place in your life.

What are the characteristics of friendships?

  1. Memories : They contribute to a lot of memories. You have fun together. You cry together. You laugh together. You hurt together.

  2. Honesty: You are honest with each other even if it hurts.

  3. Confide: You can share your deepest secrets without the fear of it being told.

  4. Unconditional: Friends give of their time and listen without expecting anything in return.

  5. Disagreements: You can disagree in friendships and still have a relationship.

  6. Forgiveness: There is forgiveness in friendships when things are done or said.

  7. Others first: In friendships you will put your needs aside and your friends first.

  8. Caring: Friends care about each other and are concerned about the welfare of them and their families.

  9. Supportive: Friendships will be supportive and help you in difficult decisions.

  10. Encouragement: Friendships will encourage you and help you in times of need.

As I was writing these thoughts I began to think of the many friendships in my life and to all THANK YOU for being a friend!

There have been so many that I could not list all of the people who have helped me in one of the 10 areas above.

I encourage each and every one of you to cultivate the friendships in your lives. As I reach the middle of my life I see even more the need for friendships.

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