Friday, October 26, 2007

Update on Lacey 9:30PM Pacific Time

Hi everyone! Lacey has been in a lot of pain today! They are keeping her pretty sedated.

Her nanny got here this afternoon.

The Doctor came in this morning and said he got the correction he was looking to get. Can you see the differnce in the picture?

I went back to the Ronald McDonald House this afternoon to get some rest and came back here at 7:30 to do the night shift. It's been a long two days and she will have a long way to go but we are so excited for her chance to walk.

There was a heavy frost this morning and it was 39 degrees.

Thanks again for your prayers and I will update tomorrow



Philip Harrelson said...


Pass on to Lacey that we are praying for her in Dothan. Hope her recovery goes quickly and without difficulty. We enjoyed eating BBQ with you and Aunt Roberta a few weeks ago. You might want to scout out that neck of the woods for a BBQ joint.

God Bless,

Tim said...

Thanks for your prayers! We enjoyed seeing you and Mark as well. You can't beat Sonny's. I am missing good ole southern sweet tea right now.I could drink a gallon if I had it!