Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Wow, how time flys. It's been twenty days since my last post. I have been really busy.Here are more pictures of my cruise. For those of you in the north you will appreciate these pictures right now!


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Cool images. Come comment on my Blog, bro.

Coy Hill said...

Your right! With the temps now dropoping into the teens, I envy you all tere in the sunny South! Nice pics too!

Coy Hill said...

Your right! With the temps now dropoping into the teens, I envy you all tere in the sunny South! Nice pics too!

Coy Hill said...

Your right! With the temps now dropping into the teens, I envy you all there in the sunny South! Nice pics too!

Coy Hill said...

Your right! With the temps now dropping into the teens, I envy you all there in the sunny South! Nice pics too!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

How many times do you want to say that, Salty?

Coy Hill said...

Chad. three less than what I did! everytime I hit publish it did nothing! until later that is!! Then It would not give me the trash can to fix it all up.

Sorry Tim, I guess that is one way to get your comments up :)

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Yeah, I figured something goofy happened.

I can comment here again!

Tim said...

Hey this is going to be a comment record for me!!!!!!!!

Salty I am glad you liked the pictures.

A guy I work with is leaving in the morning for Miami for a 4 day cruise to Mexico.He was all smiles as he left this afternoon.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

He's a lucky dude.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I trimmed back my links because of people not updating their sites, but your still on there, bro. I renamed yours a little too.