Butler County, Alabama
1-29-1874 Greenville Advocate
Robbery.--Mr. Hugh BLACK, living near Fort Dale, in this county, says his residence was entered on Tuesday night week by a thief, and money to the amount of $246 was taken from his pants, while lying on the bed in which he was sleeping. One hundred and ten dollars was in gold, the balance in United States currency. The thief took Mr. Black's horse and rode him some distance, and then turned him loose. The horse came back. Robberies are becoming frequent in this and surrounding neighborhoods. Keep your double barrel well-loaded with buck shot, and when you can, give the scoundrels a taste of lead.
I remember you telling me about this as we were coming out of Sonny's one day, I think.
I know someone else who will like this post as well.
Great post!
It seems they may have had a more effective way with dealing with the bad guys than we do now. Oh well I always keep the 12gauge loaded with 00 buckshot handy so maybe things haven’t changed so much after all!
Tim, thanks for the link, it will be some time until I join Chad’s 1000 club, so every little bit helps.
Chad, I know you were speaking of me!
Your right, I was.
They did have a unique way of dealing with thieves. It kind of reminds me of something Granny of the Beverly Hillbillies would do.
I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for putting me on your link!
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