Monday, September 04, 2006

The Transformation

I had an added bonus on Saturday. There was a caterpillar transforming into a chrysalis. In a matter of an hour it was a chrysalis. Two weeks ago I was working in my garden and I watched as a Monarch layed her eggs on the leaves of the milkweed. I counted 10 caterpillars this week. I hope to capture this Monarch when it's transformation is complete.

The Transformation Part I

The Transformation Part II

The Transformation Part III


Chad Oneil Myers said...

That's awesome, Tim!

Coy Hill said...

Now who is the nature geek? Great documentation. I never knew they transformed so quickly.

Muleman said...

Very patient!

Jill said...

SOOOOO COOL!! I have been looking for this but can't find them. We have the tiny, tiny caterpillars growing and then they disappear and I can't find where they're going.

Great post!

Tim said...

Thanks Jill! I usually find them in my mexican petunias or sometimes on the leaves of the milkweed. They blend in well when they are green. I will get on the ground and look up to find them. The best time to look for them is early before the sun gets so bright. They are easier to spot.
This little guy decided I'll just use the window sill.