This time Jan. 2020 no one would have thought our world would be headed into such a tailspin. The year started as any other, on New Years Eve the Ball dropped in Times Square as thousands watched, resolutions were made, there were slogans about 2020 vision etc. We started hearing about a bad virus in Feb. and by March it was full blown. The virus was raging thru the world like a wildfire, taking thousands of lives and causing hundreds of thousands to be severely ill and fighting for their lives. Businesses would close and public gatherings would cease. People would start working from home and many including myself are still doing it. Masks, germ killing products, disposable gloves and toilet paper would be in high demand. Shelves would be empty. Non perishables disappeared from shelves with limits on what you could buy. Jobs were lost. The economy shredded to pieces in just two short months. No longer could you gather with friends, go to church, sporting events etc. Everything quickly moved online. Restaurants closed. Grocery store lines were long with one way isles and warnings to stay away from each other. A new term emerged called an essential business. Those businesses only allowed a few in at a time and only if you were wearing a mask. We are still reeling and life is still not back to normal. The words Social Distancing are heard hundreds of times a day and signs and stickers on the floors and walls bear the words stay six feet apart. There has been much heart ache from the loss of love ones. I have known of several who have succumbed to this relentless disease and several others who became extremely ill.
Through all of it, life taught us to slow down in 2020. Be thankful for everyday you have on earth. Those back burner projects put off for months and years around the house began to take on life. Reading books was once again popular. There was a surge of new gardens and gardeners aiming to grow their own food. New hobbies of all sorts were started by people stranded at home. Woodworking was picked up by many. I even carved some to just to pass the time. Online shopping started to boom. It has been as if life itself has been lived remotely with just immediate family or even worse alone. Life has been in slow motion for over 9 months now.
Over the next few months I will document some of the projects, pictures and things I accomplished during this time. I will post pictures and stories in chronological order. I will try to paint a story so I/we will never ever forget the challenge of a lifetime. These stories are for me to reflect on in years to come. Come along on the journey if you want. If it is just me I am totally fine with it. Writing is a release for the soul.
The journey Begins
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