Wednesday, April 01, 2009

It's been a while

It's been well over a year since I posted anything on my blog.

I didn't run away and yes my Internet and computer were working. I will say it was a lack of commitment.

I have been thinking lately of two cousins that have been a big inspiration to me. I don't get to talk to them very often but this past weekend I left a voice mail for one of them to call me in hopes to meet up with him while he was in our state.

Today at lunch (now yesterday) my phone rang and it was him.
We talked a good 30 minutes about our kids, our jobs, church work and a host of other things.

I realized that if you and I are not careful we will let the busyness and lack of commitment rob us of a lot of great things and friendships in our lives.

For those of you who have checked my blog over and over to find nothing new. I commit to you something new.


Lacey is doing amazing! Her surgery on her knees worked! She is walking with a walker and walking about 10 feet without it. There will more to come on her progress.

Thank you Dr. Kit Song and Seattle Children's Hospital. We will forever be grateful for what you did for her.

Until the next blog


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