Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Who would have ever guessed my last post would have been Jan 1st. What a busy year!

I have two explanations.

The first one is I like to tell stories with pictures and I sold my camera thinking I would upgrade to an SLR. Then I decided I liked my Canon S2 and I have been waiting on the S4 to come out to replace it.

Number Two: where has the past 3 and 1/2 months gone.

I started the year off with play practice for an Easter program one night a week until Easter. It was tiring but worth it.

I went to see my grandmother in Jan. to surprise her for her 88Th birthday. She fell and broke her hip four weeks ago and had emergency surgery. She is not doing very good.

My daughter had another surgery in Texas in February. I spent a week in the Lone Star State. She did great.

We have been doing a major upgrade to one of our company websites. So I have been spending a lot of hours on that.

This is the condensed version of the past three and 1/2 months.

A friend made me stop and think the other day that I am too busy. His statement was your talking to me but your not. So I am slowing down. Camera or no camera watch for a few posts coming soon!

P.S. When I finally decided to post I had to switch over to the new blogger. Then I decided to give my blog a makeover! What fun!

1 comment:

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I'm glad you're back on here, bro.

Great commentary ;)