Friday, June 23, 2006

I finally created a blog

This is a whole new toy for me. I can see where one could spend hours sharing their thoughts on a blog. I knew about blogs but just recently became interested in creating one. My first cousin is a Pastor of a thriving church and communicates weekly on his blog. I have been encouraged and personally challenged by a lot of his blogs. At the urging of another close friend who just created his blog I decided to give it a whirl. It is my attempt to use this blog to encourage as well. There is enough bad stuff in the world so why not share some good news! I've had a lot of personal trials which I will share at a later time. No matter what you face you can face it triumphantly. There may be clouds in your life today but there will be a brighter tomorrow. I am reminded of this when I fly and I take off in a storm. Below it is dismal and bleak but when you enter the dark clouds and come out on the top of the clouds there is sunshine. The blue sky and Sun was above the clouds the entire time. So look up! Just above the dark clouds in your life there is a ray of hope.


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Hey man! Glad you finally got your Blog going, I know you will have fun and make good use of this. Great pic of the fence and clouds by the way!

Philip Harrelson said...

Hey, I did not know that you were blogging!!! Have fun.
